1.14. New features and changes in IDERI note Version 2.11¶
IDERI note Version 2.11 will be the last version to support Windows® XP as an IDERI note client. The following text lists the most important functional changes grouped by the individual product categories:
IDERI note Client Components
The following list highlights the changes in the IDERI note Client Components:
- Greatly improved client localization in all languages, added Italian as a new and fully supported client language.
- Changed the behaviour for the ticker “Hide” command: In previous versions a hidden ticker would reappear with the next client polling interval. Beginning with version 2.11 of the IDERI note client package, the ticker will only reappear after the user has selected the ticker “Hide” command, if a new or a previously unseen message becomes due. This new behaviour can, of course, be reverted to the behaviour of previous client versions older than 2.11 with the “OldStyleHideBehaviour” registry value (see section 10.2) and at installation time with the OLDSTYLE_HIDEBEHAVIOUR MSI property value (see section 8.3).
- Improved interaction between the client application and its associated ticker instance. The ticker can now be shown (if applicable, i.e. when messages are currently due) and hidden from the client context menu in the system notification area (aka “the system tray”).
- Uniform start interface for multiple client instances to multiple servers, including configuration options for the client context menu (see section 7.29).
- Strongly improved behaviour of the client application and the ticker with respect to keyboard focus.
IDERI note Administration Components
The following list highlights the changes in the IDERI note Administration Components:
- Improved the sorting behaviour of various list elements.
- Added support for remote logon to IDERI note servers across non-trusted domain boundaries which also includes logging on from a workgroup computer to an IDERI note server that is a domain member.
IDERI note Lite Messaging Tools
The following list highlights the changes in the IDERI note Lite Messaging Tools:
- Improved behaviour with account lockout when bad login credentials are supplied.
- Added similar support for cross-nontrusted domain logons as with the
- IDERI note Administration Components.
IDERI note Command Line Tool Components
The following list highlights the changes in the IDERI note Command Line Tool Components:
- Improved behaviour with account lockout when bad login credentials are supplied.
- Added similar support for cross-nontrusted domain logons as with the
- IDERI note Administration Components.
IDERI note Administrative Tools
The following list highlights the changes in the IDERI note Administrative Tools:
- Updated version of the Client Customization Wizard that allows to create a transform for the client installation.
- Updated product documentation.
- Updated Active Directory® policy templates.