10.2. inotickr.exe Registry Keys and Values

The registry settings for the IDERI note Ticker can all be found as keys and values under the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ideri\inotick. Table inotickr.exe Registry Values shows the registry values under this key, along with their type, default value and meaning:

inotickr.exe Registry Values
Value name Value Type Default Value Explanation
Separator REG_SZ   The separator string between messages when displayed in the message ticker.
RunTicker REG_DWORD 1 If this value is non-zero, the IDERI note ticker will run on the computer.
ShowInformation REG_DWORD 1 If this value is non-zero, the IDERI note ticker will show information messages.
ShowWarning REG_DWORD 1 If this value is non-zero, the IDERI note ticker will show warning messages.
ShowAlert REG_DWORD 1 If this value is non-zero, the IDERI note ticker will show alert messages.
Prologue REG_SZ   The string that precedes all messages in the message ticker.
Epilogue REG_SZ   The string that is appended at the end of all messages in the message ticker.
ExcludedServers REG_SZ   Comma separated list of servers. No ticker instance will be started for these servers.
ShowMenuExit REG_DWORD 1 If this value is non-zero, the “Exit” menu item will appear in the right mouse button click context menu.
ShowMenuHide REG_DWORD 1 If this value is non-zero, the “Hide” menu item will appear in the right mouse button click context menu.
ShowBtnClose REG_DWORD 0 If set to a nonzero value, the ticker will show a system button for closing ticker.
ShowBtnMinimize REG_DWORD 0 If set to a nonzero value, the ticker will show a system button for hiding ticker.
BtnDoubleSize REG_DWORD 0 If set to a nonzero value, the system buttons on the ticker will have double size.
ShowConfigureSpeed REG_DWORD 1 If set to a nonzero value, the ticker’s property page will contain a page that allows users to specify the ticker scroll speed.
ShowConfigureColors REG_DWORD 1 If set to a nonzero value, the ticker’s property page will contain a page that allows users to specify the ticker’s text color and background color.
ShowConfigureFont REG_DWORD 1 If set to a nonzero value, the ticker’s property page will contain a page that allows users to specify the ticker’s text font and size.
CustomFont REG_DWORD 1 If set to a nonzero value, the ticker will use the font that is specified by the registry values for the subkey CustomFont as outlined in the next table.
SpeedConfig REG_DWORD 0 If this value is set to 0, the ticker will use standard text scrolling speed. If this value is set to 1, the ticker will use double text scrolling speed. If this value is set to 2, the ticker will use a custom text scrolling speed specified by the CustomSpeed value.
CustomSpeed REG_DWORD 30 Custom text scrolling speed in pixels/second.
CustomColor REG_DWORD 0 If set to a nonzero value, the text color and the background color are specified by the registry values TextColor and BackgroundColor.
TextColor REG_DWORD 0 Custom text color as an RGB value.
BackgroundColor REG_DWORD 0 Custom background color as an RGB value.
StartPosPercentage REG_DWORD 0 Start position of the ticker text as a percentage value.
ForceEdge REG_DWORD 4294967295 If this value is set to -1 (=4294967295) then the ticker will not be initially docked to a predetermined edge of the screen after its start. If this value is set to 0 then the ticker will initially be docked to the left screen edge. If this value is set to 1 then the ticker will initially be docked to the top screen edge. If this value is set to 2 then the ticker will initially be docked to the right screen edge. If this value is set to 3 then the ticker will initially be docked to the bottom screen edge.
ForceMonitor REG_DWORD 0 If an initial docking edge has been specified with the ForceEdge value, then this value specifies the index of the monitor whose edge the ticker will be docked against.
ForcePrimaryMonitor REG_DWORD 0 If set to value 1, the ticker will start on the primary monitor.
TextFade REG_DWORD 0 If set to a nonzero value, the ticker text fades into the background at the ticker edges.
TermServOptimize REG_DWORD 1 If set to a nonzero value, terminal services optimizations will be applied to turn off fading.
HeightPercentage REG_DWORD 100 Specifies the height of the message ticker while docked to one of the screen’s edges. By default, the height of the ticker is twice the height of a simple text with capitals and a descender, but without accents, in the chosen font. Use a value betwen 1 and 100 to reduce the height of the message ticker.
RunOnTopOfMetro REG_DWORD 1 This value governs the behaviour of the ticker under Windows® 8.x while a modern UI app or the launcher is in the foreground. A value of 0 makes the ticker behave as any version prior to version 2.6: The ticker will only be shown on the desktop. If a modern UI app or the launcher is in the foreground, the Ticker is invisible and can only be seen after switching to the desktop. A value of 1 will show the ticker on top of modern UI apps and the launcher. A value of 2 will make the ticker switch to the desktop whenever a message is ready to be shown to the user, even if a modern UI app or the launcher is in the foreground. If this value is set to 3, a switch to the desktop will only happen on multi-monitor systems if the majority of the ticker’s user interface is shown on a monitor where a modern UI app or the launcher is visible.
AlwaysTopmost REG_DWORD 0 If this value is set to non-zero, the ticker will try to stay the topmost window.
OldStyleHideBehaviour REG_DWORD 0 If set to a nonzero value, the ticker, after being hidden by the user, will reappear after the next client polling interval has elapsed. Otherwise it will only reappear when a previously unseen message becomes due.
ScreenSaverStop REG_DWORD 0 If this value is non-zero, the IDERI note ticker will attempt to interrupt a running screensaver if this can make the ticker window visible to the user.

If the REG_DWORD value CustomFont is set to a nonzero value, then a custom font will be used for the ticker text. The values that specify this custom font must be specified via registry values under the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ideri\inotick\CustomFont. Table inotickr.exe custom font registry values shows the registry values under this key, along with their type, default value and meaning, for detailed information regarding these parameters please refer to the MSDN online documentation of the LOGFONT structure:

inotickr.exe custom font registry values
Value name Value Type Default Value Explanation
Height REG_DWORD 0 Specifies the custom font’s height, in logical units, of the font’s character cell or character.
REG_DWORD Width 0 Specifies the custom font’s average width, in logical units, of characters in the font.
Escapement REG_DWORD 0 Specifies the custom font’s angle, in tenths of degrees, between the escapement vector and the x-axis of the device.
Orientation REG_DWORD 0 Specifies the custom font’s angle, in tenths of degrees, between each character’s base line and the x-axis of the device.
Weight REG_DWORD 0 Specifies the weight of the custom font in the range 0 through 1000.
Italic REG_DWORD 0 Specifies an italic custom font if set to 1. If set to 0 a normal font will be used.
Underline REG_DWORD 0 Specifies an underlined custom font if set to 1. If set to 0 a font will be used that is not underlined.
StrikeOut REG_DWORD 0 Specifies a strikeout custom font if set to 1. If set to 0 a font will be used that is not a strikeout font.
CharSet REG_DWORD 0 Specifies the character set of the custom font.
OutPrecision REG_DWORD 0 Specifies the output precision of the custom font.
ClipPrecision REG_DWORD 0 Specifies the clipping precision of the custom font. The clipping precision defines how to clip characters that are partially outside the clipping region.
Quality REG_DWORD 0 Specifies the output quality of the custom font.
PitchAndFamily REG_DWORD 0 Specifies the pitch and family of the custom font.
FaceName REG_SZ Arial A string that specifies the typeface name of the custom font.

In order to show different text and background colors for the various ticker text item types, the REG_DWORD values in the subkeys Alert, Warning, Information, Separator, Prologue and Epilogue under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ideri\inotick from table Text and background color REG_DWORD-Values for the various ticker text item types can be specified.

Text and background color REG_DWORD-Values for the various ticker text item types
Parameter Standardwert Beschreibung
TextColor 0 Ticker text color for the text item type (RGB)
BackgroundColor 16777215 Ticker background color for the text item type (RGB)
UseTextColor 0 Use the ticker text color for the text item type
UseBackgroundColor 0 Use the ticker background color for the text item type

Important: All registry values under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ideri\inotick can be overridden by corresponding values from the IDERI note Group Policy settings under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\ideri\inotick. These group policy settings can be added as fully managed Group policies with the adm files that ship with the IDERI note administrative tools.

Enforcing a certain client user interface language can be done with the settings you specify in order to enforce an IDERI note client user interface language.