10.1. inotecln.exe Registry Keys and Values

The registry settings for the IDERI note client components can all be found as keys and values under the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ideri\inotecln. Table inotecln.exe Registry Values shows the registry values under this key, along with their type, default value and meaning:

inotecln.exe Registry Values
Value name Value Type Default value Explanation
PresentationModeDuration REG_DWORD 3600000 The maximum duration for “Do-not-disturb” mode in ms. If set to 0, “Do-not-disturb” mode is deactivated, regardless of message-type specific settings.
RunRpc REG_DWORD 1 If this value is non-zero, the client starts an RPC server so it can be notified by its server about alerts.
KerberosOnly REG_DWORD 0 If this value is non-zero, the client refuses connections to servers that are not authenticated to the client using the Kerberos authentication protocol.
CaptionBranding REG_SZ   If this value is a non-empty string, this string will be used as the caption of balloon tooltips that appear in regular intervals if users ignore pending messages.
ReadThisBranding REG_SZ   If this value is a non-empty string, this string will be used as the text for the message acknowledgement button/link on message windows.
NextGenUI REG_DWORD 1 If this value is non-zero, the client will appear in the messenger-like user interface of IDERI note client version 2.2, otherwise it will appear in the dialogbox-like user interface of IDERI note client version 2.0.
RunSideShow REG_DWORD 1 If this value is non-zero, the client will start a child process per each message to be displayed on Windows® Vista and later operating system versions, that will show the message on properly configured Windows® SideShow Devices.
AuthorText REG_SZ   If this value is set to a nonempty string, this string will be displayed on each message instead of the user who is the owner (creator) of the message. If the string contains the substring %AUTHOR%, this substring will be replaced with the author of the message.
ShowTray REG_DWORD 1 If set to a non-zero value, an icon will be created for the IDERI note client in the system notification area.
ShowExitMenuItem REG_DWORD 0 If set to a non-zero value, the context menu for the icon in the system notification area will contain an entry that allows the user to quit the IDERI note client.
ShowHistoryMenuItem REG_DWORD 1 If set to a non-zero value, the context menu for the icon in the system notification area will contain an entry that allows the user to view the message history.
ShowShowHideMenuItem REG_DWORD 1 If set to a non-zero value, the context menu for the icon in the system notification area will contain an entry that allows the user to show or hide the ticker, if applicable.
ShowConfigMenuItem REG_DWORD 1 If set to a non-zero value, the context menu for the icon in the system notification area will contain an entry that allows to perform per user configuration settings for the IDERI note client.
Tooltiptext REG_SZ   Use this value to specify the text that appears as a tooltip while the user hovers with the mouse above the IDERI note icon in the system tray notification area.
RunOnTopOfMetro REG_DWORD 1 This value governs the behaviour of the IDERI note Client under Windows® 8.x while a modern UI app or the launcher is in the foreground. A value of 0 makes the IDERI note client behave as any version prior to version 2.6: The IDERI note client will only be shown on the desktop. If a modern UI app or the launcher is in the foreground, the IDERI note client is invisible and can only be seen after switching to the desktop. A value of 1 will show the client on top of modern UI apps and the launcher. A value of 2 will make the client switch to the desktop whenever a message is ready to be shown to the user, even if a modern UI app or the launcher is in the foreground. If this value is set to 3, a switch to the desktop will only happen on multi-monitor systems if the majority of the IDERI note client user interface is shown on a monitor where a modern UI app or the launcher is visible.
OnlyOneTrayIcon REG_DWORD 1 If set to 1, only one tray icon will be created for all clients when running in a multiple client scenario.
DefaultCommandLine REG_SZ   The inotecln.exe command line parameters for the default client start. There is no default value for this registry value, it is determined by setup parameters.
DisableCloseButton REG_DWORD 0 If this value is non-zero, the close button of the messenger-like user interface of IDERI note client version 2.2 will be hidden. Respectively its function will be disabled in the dialogbox-like user interface of IDERI note client version 2.0.
AllowWinlogonNotifications REG_DWORD 1 If this value is non-zero, a notification is shown on the logon screen if messages are pending on the user desktop that cannot be shown on the user lock screen.
WLNDelay REG_DWORD 60000 Duration in ms until a notification on the logon screen about pending messages on the user desktop reappears.
ScreenSaverStop REG_DWORD 0 If this value is non-zero, the IDERI note client will attempt to interrupt a running screensaver if this can make a pending message visible to the user.
ServerOverrideWLN REG_DWORD 0 If this value is non-zero, the IDERI note client will allow stopping the screensaver and showing notifications on the logon desktop about waiting messages on the locked user desktop also on computers running a Windows® server operating system.
AlwaysTopmost REG_DWORD 0 If this value is set to non-zero, the client will try to stay the topmost window.
FullscreenMinTextPoints REG_DWORD 24 The minimum font point 2 size for the message text in fullscreen mode messages.
FullscreenEdgePercent REG_DWORD 1 Percentage value in the range [0...100] for the margin around the message content of fullscreen mode messages. The value specified here is a percentage value of either the horizontal or the vertical screen resolution, whichever value is smaller.
FullscreenElementHeightPercent REG_DWORD 3 Percentage value in the range [0...100] for the height of text elements in fullscreen mode messages. The value specified here is a percentage value of either the horizontal or the vertical screen resolution, whichever value is smaller.
FullscreenFontStyle REG_DWORD 0 The font style to be used for all text elements in fullscreen mode messages. This value is a combination of bit flags in the range [0...15]. The value 0 denotes regular style. Bold face is set with the value 1, italic face is set with value 2, underline style is set with value 4 and strikeout style is set with value 8.
FullscreenFontFamily REG_SZ   The font family name to be used for all text elements in fullscreen mode messages. Only TrueType fonts are allowed to be specified for this value.

The client behaviour for the three different message types information, warning and alert is governed by identically named REG_DWORD values in the three keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ideri\inotecln\information, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ideri\inotecln\warning and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ideri\inotecln\alert, respectively.

The value names for these three keys along with their default value and meaning are given in table inotecln.exe Registry Values for message type specific behaviour.

inotecln.exe Registry Values for message type specific behaviour
Value name Default value Explanation
AllowPresentationMode 0 for alert messages, 1 for information and warning messages If this value is non-zero, “Do-not-disturb” mode is allowed for the message type.
ShowInitially 1 If this value is non-zero, the message is displayed immediately when it becomes due, otherwise only a balloon tooltip is displayed.
BalloonPolling 60000 This value denotes the duration in ms inbetween two balloon tooltips that appear to remind the user of a pending message.
ForceForeground 0 for information messages, 1 otherwise If this value is non-zero, the message appears in the foreground and receives the keyboard focus.
TopMost 1 for alert messages, 0 otherwise and stays topmost. If this value is non-zero, the message appears in the foreground
FadeIn 1 If this value is non-zero, the message fades in, otherwise it appears instantly. Note that for the fade-effect to work, it must be enabled as an effect in the display control panel applet.
CloseWindowsTimeout 0 If this timeout (specified in ms) elapses, the message window will disappear. Specifying a value of 0 will make the message window stay on the desktop indefinitely and not disappear.
ShowBalloonPolling 1 If this value is non-zero, balloon tooltips will appear in regular intervals for messages of the relevant type that the user has not yet acknowledged.
UnmuteMasterVolume 0 If set to a non-zero value, muted audio output will be unmuted for the duration of a message of the specified type. Use this value with caution because audio playback that is turned on suddenly is not only disruptive for the user but can even cause hearing loss for users using a headphone.
MasterVolumePercentage 50 This value specifies the percentage value for the audio playback volume if the UnmuteMasterVolume value is non-zero. Use this value with caution because audio playback that is turned on suddenly is not only disruptive for the user but can even cause hearing loss for users using a headphone.
ChangeMasterVolume 0 If set to a non-zero value and if the UnmuteMasterVolume value is non-zero, the audio volume level will be set to the value specified by the MasterVolumePercentage value. If this value is of value zero instead, the audio volume level will remain unchanged. Use this value with caution because audio playback that is turned on suddenly is not only disruptive for the user but can even cause hearing loss for users using a headphone.
GreetingOverride   This value will replace the standard greeting text for the specific message type. Any substring %AUTHOR% in this string will be replaced with the author of the message.
FullscreenBackgroundColor 16777215 The background color value 1 for fullscreen mode messages with the RGB values expressed as a DWORD value.
FullscreenBackgroundColorAlpha 255 The alpha value for the background color in fullscreen mode messages in the range [0...255]. Use 0 for full transparence and 255 for full opacity.
FullscreenMessageTextColor 0 for information and warning messages, 255 for alert messages The message text color value 1 for fullscreen mode messages with the RGB values expressed as a DWORD value.
FullscreenActiveColor 13928192 The color value 1 for active elements in fullscreen mode messages with the RGB values expressed as a DWORD value.
FullscreenInactiveColor 12285696 The color value 1 for inactive elements in fullscreen mode messages with the RGB values expressed as a DWORD value.
FullscreenStaticColor 5526612 The static text color value 1 for fullscreen mode messages with the RGB values expressed as a DWORD value.
FullscreenBlink 0 If this value is set to a non-zero value, the message text on fullscreen messages will blink.

The REG_DWORD values listed in table Registry values for the messenger-like client user interface is specific to the new messenger-like user interface of the IDERI note client version 2.2 and later. The key name for these values is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ideri\inotecln\nextgenui .

Registry values for the messenger-like client user interface
Value name Default value Explanation
AnimationSpeed 30 Specify a value between 1 and 100. The lower the value is, the faster the animation will be.
AnimationType 3 Specify the values [0..3] for the following animation types: No animation, Unfold, Slide, Fade
FontScale 100 Font scaling percentage value for messenger-like message windows.
ForceClientMonitor 0 If set to 0, messenger-like message windows will appear on the default monitor. For non-zero values, the value denotes the index of the monitor where messages should appear.
ForceClientPosition 0 If set to 0, messenger-like message windows will appear in the default position (lower right corner). If this value is non-zero, the position on the chosen monitor is determinded by the values of the registry values ForceClientPositionXPercentage and ForceClientPositionYPercentage (see below).
ForceClientPositionXPercentage 50 Horizontal position of messenger-like message windows as a percentage value of the screen width, effective only if the registry value ForceClientPosition has a non-zero value.
ForceClientPositionYPercentage 50 Vertical position of messenger-like message windows as a percentage value of the screen height, effective only if the registry value ForceClientPosition has a non-zero value.
ForceClientPositionXVisible 1 If a client position is enforced using the ForceClientPosition value, a non-zero value for this registry value will ensure that the message window will not overlap the screen edges horizontally.
ForceClientPositionYVisible 1 If a client position is enforced using the ForceClientPosition value, a non-zero value for this registry value will ensure that the message window will not overlap the screen edges vertically.
ForceGlobalSounds 0 If this value is non-zero, users cannot specify their own sound files for IDERI note messages permanently.
Style 6 Specify the values [0...9] for the following visual styles: Office 2000, Office XP, Office 2003, Visual Studio .NET® 2005, Windows® XP, MSN Messenger, Office 2007 Blue, Office 2007 Black, Office 2007 Silver, Office 2007 Aqua
Transparency 220 Specify the transparency of message windows as a value between 50 and 255. The higher the value is, the less transparent the window will appear.

If the new messenger-like user interface of IDERI note client version 2.2 is activated, a sound file will be played as soon as a message appears. The files that are played for each message type can be determined by specifying sound files for the three REG_SZ values “Information”, “Warning” and “Alert” in the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ideri\inotecln\nextgenui\Sounds.

Table Registry values for the history application shows the REG_DWORD values that govern the behaviour of the history application. The key name for these values is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ideri\inotehst.

Registry values for the history application
Value name Default value Explanation
HistoryNoFutureMessages 0 If set to a non-zero value, the history application will not show any messages that are not yet due. Using the standard value 0, users are able to read messages using the history application, that are due in the future.

Important: All registry values under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ideri\inotecln can be overridden by corresponding values from the IDERI note Group Policy settings under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\ideri\inotecln. These group policy settings can be added as fully managed Group policies with the adm files that ship with the IDERI note administrative tools.

In oder to enforce a certain client user interface language, you have to create the named REG_SZ value “Language” in the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Ideri\inotecln. Next you assign the language abbreviation of one of the supported client user interface languages. Table Supported client user interface languages and their language abbreviations shows the supported client user interface languages and their language abbreviations.

Supported client user interface languages and their language abbreviations
Language Abbreviation
Croatian hrv
English enu
French fra
German deu
Polish plk
Portuguese ptg
Russian rus
Slovenian slv
Spanish esp
Italian ita


[1](1, 2, 3, 4, 5) The RGB R-value is encoded in the lowest byte, the RGB G-value is expressed as the second lowest byte and the RGB B-value is expressed as the second highest byte within the 32-bit DWORD value.
[2]One point is defined as 1/72 of an inch