2.5. The IDERI note Command Line Tools

The IDERI note Command Line Tools consist out of two console mode applications that you can use to automate the creation and deletion of IDERI note messages, inotecmd.exe and inotedel.exe. Using inotecmd.exe you can create new messages or update existing messages. Using inotedel.exe you can delete existing messages.

The command line syntax of inotecmd.exe is as follows:

INOTECMD.EXE Message Starttime Endtime Recipients Priority Server <Options>

Message is the message text. You can embed environment variables into this text, they will be expanded at runtime. In order to create a new line in the text, add \n at the location where you want the new line to start, much like in scripting syntax. Startime is the message start time and must be specified in the following format: “MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss”. Endtime is the message end time and must be specified in the following format: “MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss”. In both cases, MM denotes the month (in the range 1...12), DD the day (in the range 1...31), YYYY the year as a four digit number, hh the hour (in the range 0...23), mm the minute (in the range 0...59) and ss the second (0...59). Both start time and end time of the message can be specified using a relative time instead of an absolute time using the format “+dd/hh/mm/ss” (relative time in the future) or the format “-dd/hh/mm/ss” (relative time in the past). Recipients names must be separated by commas and must be specified in the domain\user notation. Priority must be either INFORMATION, WARNING or ALERT and Server is the IDERI note server where the message gets added or modified. Table Command line options for inotecmd.exe lists the inotecmd.exe command line options.

Command line options for inotecmd.exe
Command line option Explanation
-tcp=TCP-Port/AD Use supplied TCP port or AD query result to call into server
-r Create message with receival notification
-a Create message with acknowledge notification
-uc Send no message if acknowledged on same client
-uo Send no message if acknowledged on other clients
-ua Send no message if the recipient has logged in locally after the message start time
-u=username User name for alternate credentials
-d=domainname Domain name for alternate credentials
-p=password Password for alternate credentials
-wg Perform workgroup style logon
-w=0|1 Show message in message window (default is 1)
-t=0|1 Show message in message ticker (default is 0)
-ad Retrieve server name via AD query
-rs Message recipients and excludes are specified as SIDs
-i=Index Updates an existing message instead of creating a new message
Notify recipients immediately (“Push”)
x=0: only display SIDs
x=1: resolve SIDs on the client (for workgroups)
x=2: resolve SIDs locally (for domains)
-l Send message also to logon screen
-lo Send message to logon screen only
-hoe Exclude home office users
-hoo Send to home office users only
-lo Send message to logon screen only
-lx=text Specify link text
-la=target Specify link target
-lm=0|1 Launch link as a maximized window (default is 0)
-ls Leave existing security descriptor untouched and ignore recipients and and excludes. Works only when updating a message. If this option is specified, the recipients and excludes lists specified on the command line will be ignored (and can thus be empty) and the existing security information of the message will be used. This is useful for only updating the text or the importance of a message without changing the recipients and excludes or any other security information of the message.
-e=excludes Users and groups to be excluded from message reception (comma separated list, specify in domain\user notation or as SIDs with the -rs command line option). Environment variables (such as %USERDOMAIN%\%USERNAME%) are resolved by inotecmd.exe itself.
-s Simulate message creation and show all diagnostic information
Addressing mode
x=0: Send to users only (default)
x=1: Send to users and computers
x=2: Send to computers only
-nr=networkranges Specify network ranges as comma-separated IDs
-nre Exclude network ranges from message delivery
-fs Show message in fullscreen mode
-fse Show message in fullscreen mode and lock workstation
-mo Send message to mobile devices only.
-me Exclude mobile devices from the recipients.
-lang_langspec=language text Specify text for language langspec 1
-la_langspec=language link target Specify link target for language langspec 1
-lx_langspec=language link text Specify link text for language langspec 1
-??? Show detailed usage information


[1](1, 2, 3) langspec language identifiers are ISO 639-1 conformant language identifiers such as “en-US” for English (United States) or “pt-BR” for Portuguese (Brazilian)

Command line examples (line-breaks in command line are for readability only):

INOTECMD.EXE "Service on %COMPUTERNAME% is down at %DATE% %TIME%" "+0"
   "+24/00/00" "MyDomain\ServiceAdmins" ALERT SRV01 -r -a

This will create an alert with the computer name and current date and time in the text that is valid from now on for 24 hours and will be sent to the AD group MyDomain\ServiceAdmins with receival and acknowledge notifications. The IDERI note server is the computer with the name SRV01

INOTECMD.EXE "Hello World"  "12/23/2008 17:01:22" "12/01/2009 11:09:45"

This will create an information message sent to every user with the text “Hello World”. The message will be valid from Dec 23 2008 5:01:22PM until Dec 01 2009 11:09:45AM. The creator is the user Goof in the domain TROUT who has the password MyPassword. The IDERI note server is INOTESRV.TROUT.LOCAL

The command line syntax of inotedel.exe is as follows:

INOTEDEL.EXE server message-index [options]

Server is the IDERI note server where the message gets deleted and message-index is the numerical index of the message to be deleted. The following options can be used:

Table Command line options for inotedel.exe lists the inotedel.exe command line options.

Command line options for inotedel.exe
Command line option Explanation
-u=username user name for alternate credentials
-d=domainname domain name for alternate credentials
-p=password password for alternate credentials
-tcp=TCP-Port/AD Use supplied TCP port or AD query result to call into server
-ad server name via AD query


Addressing the IDERI note server’s Active Directory computer account

If you are running an IDERI note environment in the “Professional” licensing mode and if an IDERI note client is running on the IDERI note server computer for users interactively logged in on this computer, the special considerations outlined in section 7.6.4 apply. The IDERI note command line tools, unlike the GUI Tools such as the IDERI note Administrator, will not attempt to apply the heuristics outlined in this section to magically convert the Active Directory® computer account name of the IDERI note server to NetworkService. If you want to address the IDERI note server’s Active Directory® computer account, you have to supply the account name of the network service on the inotecmd.exe command line or its string SID (“S-1-5-20”) when using the -rs command line parameter.