11.4. Administrative tools log files

The IDERI note Administrator does not write log files during normal operation with one exception: If the service failure notification wizard as in section 7.16 is started, a log file is created that can help troubleshooting if this wizard fails to create a service failure notification. This log file is written into the directory ideri\intadmin under the interactively logged in user’s temp directory (the directory to which the environment string %TEMP% expands). A typical directory for a user’s service notification wizard log files would therefore be "c:\Documents and Settings\<user-name>\Local Settings\Temp\ideri\intadmin" on Windows® 2000, Windows® XP or Windows® Server 2003. On Windows® Vista and Windows® Server 2008 a typical directory for a users service notification wizard log files would be "C:\Users\<user-name>\AppData\Local\Temp\ideri\intadmin"

The files that are written as service notification wizard log files are named SvcNotifyXYZ.log, with XYZ being an eight digit number.