11.11. IDERI note web config files

11.11.1. IDERI note server connection

The settings for the IDERI note web connection to its associated IDERI note server are specified in the "%PROGRAMDATA%\IDERI\note\web\inoteSrvConSettings.xml" configuration file.

Any configuration change in this file will require a restart of the IDERI note web IIS site.

11.11.2. Templates

A default template file that can be used for IDERI note web QuickNote and the IDERI note web TemplateSelector can be found in the installation directory of IDERI note web under "<INSTALLDIR>\Templates\QuickNote\QuickNoteTemplate.json.template". You can copy this file to the appropriate target directory, modify the content and rename it accordingly. IDERI note web QuickNote template (optional)

A template for IDERI note web QuickNote can be specified to set default values of the QuickNote UI, hide whole elements of the UI or make them read only. The file can be specified in "%PROGRAMDATA%\IDERI\note\web\\QuickNote\QuickNoteTemplate.json". IDERI note web TemplateSelector templates (optional)

You can place multiple json template files with different names under "%PROGRAMDATA%\IDERI\note\web\TemplateSelector\" and its sub directories.