12.2. Service Connection Point

The other change to your Active Directory® configuration is the creation of a service connection point (SCP). Note that the creation of a service connection point is an installation option, as described in section 3.2. An SCP makes it possible that an IDERI note client does a simple AD query in order to find its server automatically. This way, an IDERI note client doesn’t need to know about a specific server, it simply determines its server at runtime. Such an AD query is fully protected by all security measures of AD and will only return a valid server name whose installation has been blessed before by a domain administrator by virtue of the service installation.

The creation of the SCP is manifested by a child object of the computer object in AD, like in figure 12.2, that shows the SCP as in our tutorial environment from section 4.

SCP child object of the IDERI note server computer object

Figure 12.2: SCP child object of the IDERI note server computer object

Note also, that the service connection point will be uninstalled, should you decide to uninstall the IDERI note service.

In case clients fail to query for their SCP, you should first check if the SCP child object of the computer object representing the computer that is running the IDERI note service, actually exists. In case it doesn’t exist, you can recreate it using the -createscp command line value of inotesvc.exe (see section 9.2).