5.3. Querying messages

5.3.1. Getting information about an existing IDERI note message

Now that we are connected to the server as shown in chapter 5.2, we want to query an existing message from the server. However, to begin with, it is advantageous to know how many messages are actually present on the server by checking the available message indexes first. We can do so with the Get-iNoteMessageIndex CmdLet.

PS> Get-iNoteMessageIndex

LowestIndex MaxIndex
----------- --------
        1        1

Apparently, only one message has ever been created on this IDERI note server. In order to geht this message’s information, we use the Get-iNoteMessage CmdLet.

PS> Get-iNoteMessage -Index 1

Index                  : 1
Text                   : This is a test message.
Priority               : Information
StartTime              : 8/3/2023 8:15:00 AM
EndTime                : 8/3/2023 2:30:00 PM
LinkText               :
LinkTarget             :
ShowLinkMaximized      : False
Recipient              : {NOTE\eva.smith, NOTE\albert.tross}
Exclude                : {}
AddressingMode         : UserAndComputer
ShowPopup              : True
ShowTicker             : False
ShowFullscreen         : False
ShowFullscreenAndLock  : False
NotifyReceive          : False
NotifyAcknowledge      : True
ShowOnWinLogon         : False
ShowOnWinLogonOnly     : False
HomeOfficeUsersOnly    : False
HomeOfficeUsersExclude : False

We obviously already get a lot of information about the message, but for full object information we can always pipe the query to Select *.

PS> Get-iNoteMessage -Index 1 | Select *

CreationTime                         : 8/3/2023 8:24:14 AM
Index                                : 1
Text                                 : This is a test message.
StartTime                            : 8/3/2023 8:15:00 AM
EndTime                              : 8/3/2023 2:30:00 PM
LinkTarget                           :
LinkText                             :
SDDL                                 : O:S-1-5-21-2417008917-994297124-4...
Flags                                : 4112
NetworkRangeIDs                      :
Priority                             : Information
IsDeleted                            : False
NotifyReceive                        : False
NotifyAcknowledge                    : True
OptNoDeliveryIfRevAck                : False
OptNoDeliveryIfAckOnOtherComp        : False
OptNoDeliveryIfLoggedInAfterMsgStart : False
ShowPopup                            : True
ShowTicker                           : False
ShowFullscreen                       : False
ShowFullscreenAndLock                : False
MobileDevicesExclude                 : False
MobileDevicesOnly                    : False
ShowLinkMaximized                    : False
AddressingMode                       : UserAndComputer
ShowOnWinLogon                       : False
ShowOnWinLogonOnly                   : False
HomeOfficeUsersExclude               : False
HomeOfficeUsersOnly                  : False
Recipient                            : {NOTE\eva.smith, NOTE\albert.tross}
Exclude                              : {}
MessageOwner                         : NOTE\adam.sam
NetworkRangeExclude                  : False
AdditionalCultures                   : {}
Error                                : 0

5.3.2. Getting all messages from the server

In order to get all messages from the server, the switch parameter ‘-All’ can be employed:

PS> Get-iNoteMessage -All

This section has shown how to get information about IDERI note messages from the IDERI note server. The following section 5.4 will continue with examples covering the creation of new messages.