5.4. Creating new messages

5.4.1. Creating an IDERI note message using parameters

One way to create a new IDERI note message in PowerShell is to use the New-iNoteMessage CmdLet. We can use it by specifying all mandatory and optional information for a new message using its parameters. To get a list of all the parameters the CmdLet supports, we can use the Get-Help CmdLet. The result set from this command will be quite exhaustive, but will give you a complete overview of the available functionality.

PS> Get-Help -Name New-iNoteMessage -Parameter *

We now actually create a new message: The message should be valid from now on for two hours, should have a priority of ‘Information’ and should be addressed to the Active Directory® users with the username Albert.Tross, Eva.Smith and Arno.Nym. For this purpose, we execute the following command:

PS> New-iNoteMessage -Text "My message from powershell." `
    -StartTime (Get-Date) `
    -EndTime (Get-Date).AddHours(2) `
    -Priority INFORMATION `
    -Recipient "Albert.Tross","Eva.Smith","Arno.Nym" `

Index                  : 2
Text                   : My message from powershell.
Priority               : Information
StartTime              : 8/3/2023 8:28:52 AM
EndTime                : 8/3/2023 10:28:52 AM
LinkText               :
LinkTarget             :
ShowLinkMaximized      : False
Recipient              : {NOTE\eva.smith, NOTE\albert.tross, NOTE\Arno.Nym}
Exclude                : {}
AddressingMode         : UserOnly
ShowPopup              : True
ShowTicker             : False
ShowFullscreen         : False
ShowFullscreenAndLock  : False
NotifyReceive          : False
NotifyAcknowledge      : False
ShowOnWinLogon         : False
ShowOnWinLogonOnly     : False
HomeOfficeUsersOnly    : False
HomeOfficeUsersExclude : False

After the message has been created successfully, the message object representing the message will be returned.

5.4.2. Creating a new IDERI note message using a predefined object

Another way to add a new message is by specifying a new message object first and then passing it to New-iNoteMessage.

In the following example we want to create a message with the priority of ‘Warning’ that is valid from now on for one hour and is addressed to the Active Directory® user Albert.Tross and the group GRP_IDERI_IT. The message should only be displayed in the IDERI note Ticker and should be sent to both users and computers.

PS> $newMsg = [Ideri.Note.Message]::new($IDERInoteServerSession)
PS> $newMsg.Text = "Another message from PS created using an object."
PS> $newMsg.Priority = [Ideri.Note.Priority]::Warning
PS> $newMsg.StartTime = (Get-Date)
PS> $newMsg.EndTime = (Get-Date).AddHours(1)
PS> $newMsg.AddRecipient(@("albert.tross","GRP_IDERI_IT"))
PS> $newMsg.ShowTicker = $true
PS> $newMsg.AddressingMode = [Ideri.Note.AddressingMode]::UserAndComputer
PS> New-iNoteMessage -MessageObject $newMsg

Index                  : 3
Text                   : Another message from PS created using an object.
Priority               : Warning
StartTime              : 8/3/2023 8:32:24 AM
EndTime                : 8/3/2023 9:32:24 AM
LinkText               :
LinkTarget             :
ShowLinkMaximized      : False
Recipient              : {NOTE\albert.tross, NOTE\GRP_IDERI_IT}
Exclude                : {}
AddressingMode         : UserAndComputer
ShowPopup              : False
ShowTicker             : True
ShowFullscreen         : False
ShowFullscreenAndLock  : False
NotifyReceive          : False
NotifyAcknowledge      : False
ShowOnWinLogon         : False
ShowOnWinLogonOnly     : False
HomeOfficeUsersOnly    : False
HomeOfficeUsersExclude : False

The above example demonstrates the creation of a new object of type Ideri.Note.Message whose properties are afterwards set to their desired values before finally passing the object to the New-iNoteMessage CmdLet in order to create the message.

5.4.3. Copying an existing message

The parameter ‘-MessageObject’ of New-iNoteMessage also accepts piped values. So if you e.g. want to copy an existing message and create a new one from it, you can use the Get-iNoteMessage CmdLet and pipe its output to New-iNoteMessage.

PS> Get-iNoteMessage -Index 1 | New-iNoteMessage

Index                  : 4
Text                   : This is a test message.
Priority               : Information
StartTime              : 8/3/2023 8:15:00 AM
EndTime                : 8/3/2023 2:30:00 PM
LinkText               :
LinkTarget             :
ShowLinkMaximized      : False
Recipient              : {NOTE\eva.smith, NOTE\albert.tross}
Exclude                : {}
AddressingMode         : UserAndComputer
ShowPopup              : True
ShowTicker             : False
ShowFullscreen         : False
ShowFullscreenAndLock  : False
NotifyReceive          : False
NotifyAcknowledge      : True
ShowOnWinLogon         : False
ShowOnWinLogonOnly     : False
HomeOfficeUsersOnly    : False
HomeOfficeUsersExclude : False

The above example shows that the content of the message with index 1 has been copied and a new message with index 4 has been created from it. Of course, not all properties will be copied one-to-one. The message’s Index, CreationTime or MessageOwner will be initialized with different values.